About the Podcast:
The Defenders of Business Value Podcast combines over 30 years of valuation and exit planning expertise working with business owners. Ed Mysogland has a mission and vision to help business owners understand the value of their business. Most of the small business owner's net worth is locked in the company; to unlock it, a business owner must sell it. Unfortunately, the odds are against business owners that they won't be able to sell their companies because they don't know what creates a saleable asset. Ed interviews experts who help business owners prepare, build, preserve, and one-day transfer value with the sale of the business..
So Who Is the Audience?
The audience is business owners with revenues likely under $25 million who want to learn about the value of their most important asset and how they will sell it when they want, to whom they want, and for what they want.
About Me
I’ve been in the business brokerage/M&A industry for over 31 years. You can review my credentials:
...and What Happens Next
Step 1 - Scheduling
Schedule your interview (it is at most 45 minutes). You will receive an email to self-schedule based on your convenience and my recording schedule. Click Here for my scheduling link. Will receive an invite from me and when we schedule the virtual recording studio, it will be updated with the link to join on the appropriate day.
Step 2 - From You - Onboarding:
Will need to go to my onboarding page and share the information we need to create a great experience for you and the audience. Click Here
Step 3 - Draft of Script Submission
I will send you a script draft with sample questions to help you understand and prepare for what I plan to ask. If you have questions that you believe would be meaningful for this type of audience; PLEASE send them. This is entirely educational and nothing controversial.
Step 4 - Day Before the Recording
I will send you a confirmation email for the time and any issues we need to address for this can be the best experience for you and the audience.
Step 5 - Day of Recording
- I use a podcast recording platform called Riverside.FM. You can see how it will work on your end - click here
- You will follow the link provided during the scheduling
- We’ll visit and address any questions you might have
- I’ll ask you to confirm that all notifications have been silenced on your cell phone and computer
- I’ll press record, and we’ll visit for 30 minutes or so – it isn’t live, so don’t worry about anything. If you respond in a way you don’t like, let’s rerecord it.
Step 6 - Post Production
The podcast will be edited so it looks and sounds the best. (No one tells you that this is where all of the time is at…editing )
Step 7 - Promotion
- You will receive an email when the podcast will be released - likely 2 to 4 weeks after recording.
- When it is released, we will send it to the email lists and social media platforms.
- I will provide templates should you wish to promote it to your audience via email and social media.
- I have the following:
- 10,000 Podcast Email List
- 13,500 Brokerage Email List
- LinkedIn ~4,800 Followers
- Twitter ~ 4,600 Followers
Step 8 - Referral:
If you like the podcast, I would appreciate any introductions you could make to other experts or business owners that can help my mission for business owners to sell their business when they want, how they want, and for how much they want.
That is the game plan. I appreciate your consideration and thank you in advance for your time. I’m confident that your contribution through this interview will be of value to the listener.