Ed Mysogland (EP25)

Ed Mysogland (EP25) Profile Photo

This week we’ll talk about DealStats. The 1st Quarter 2020 review just came out. For those of you who don't know about DealStats, this is the market data that most appraisers use for the smaller companies - those with under $50M revenue. And it’s produced by Business Value Resources. BVR has been collecting private company data for about 30 years or so and is the premier data provider for those serious about providing sound advice based on empirical data.

Feb. 24, 2020

EP 25: Just Out! Q1 2020 Deal Stats

This week we’ll talk about DealStats. The 1st Quarter 2020 review just came out. For those of you who don't know about DealStats, this is the market data that most appraisers use for the smaller companies - those with under …

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